Keywords: Krzysztof Awedyk Bernatowicz.jpg Portrait of Krzysztof Awedyk Bernatowicz Portret Krzysztofa Awedyka Bernatowicza Unknown Poland s 1600 oil canvas 78х63 cm Львівський істо� ичний музей - Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Lwowa Lviv http //niitiag ru/niitiag_today/science_work_mess/189-prezentaciya-knigi-i-seminar-po-arhitekture-i-gradostroitelstvu-vostoka html Painting No Ж-1505 PD-old-100 Portraits by anonymous baroque painters from Poland National costumes of Poland in 17th century National costumes of Poland in 17th century portrait paintings 17th-century oil portraits of men at half length in national costumes Uploaded with UploadWizard Bernatowicz family |