MAKE A MEME View Large Image After 5 days, you can see the evolution of the fungus from the lobulate to more shelf-like. Day 291 of my 366 Project After 5 days, you can see the evolution of the fungus from the lobulate to more shelf-like. Day 291 of my 366 Project
View Original:Laetiporus_gilbertsonii_Burdsall_(Sulphur_shelf_or_chicken_of_the_woods).jpg (3936x5248)
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Keywords: fungus flora shelf fungus shelffungus 366 365 outdoor outside tree los angeles losangeles california zajdowicz laetiporous gilbertsonii burdsall laetiporousgilbertsoniiburdsall sulphur shelf sulphurshelf cell phone cellphone nature photoshop express photoshopexpress motorola droid turbo mobile android chicken of the woods chickenofthewoods creative commons creativecommons free use freeuse attribution After 5 days, you can see the evolution of the fungus from the lobulate to more shelf-like. Day 291 of my 366 Project After 5 days, you can see the evolution of the fungus from the lobulate to more shelf-like. Day 291 of my 366 Project
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