Keywords: Leonardo-socorro de brisach.jpg Artwork creator Jusepe Leonardo es Socorro de Brisach en Taking of Breisach en The Spanish capture of Breisach by the Duke of Feria in 1633 ru Взятие Б� айзаха испанскими войсками в 1633 году 1635 Oil on canvas cm Institution Museo del Prado object history credit line accession number http //www museodelprado es/coleccion/galeria-on-line/galeria-on-line/zoom/1/obra/toma-de-brisach/oimg/0/ Museo del Prado<br/> 38867 PD-old-100 Jusepe Leonardo 1635 paintings Military history of Spain 17th-century paintings of battles Neuf-Brisach Baroque paintings in Spain 1630s paintings in the Prado Museum 17th-century warfare Gómez Suárez de Figueroa 3rd Duke of Feria Battles of the Thirty Years' War 1633 Paintings for the Salón de Reinos Brisach Coasts in art |