Keywords: Lesser Coat of Arms of Russian Empire.svg ru � алый госуда� ственный ге� б Российской Импе� ии 1883 год de Kleines Wappen des Russischen Kaiserreichs 1883 en Lesser Coat of Arms of Russian Empire 1883 fr Petites armoiries de l'Empire Russe 1883 la Insigne minor Imperii Russici anno 1883 fi Venäjän keisarikunnan pieni vaakuna 1883 uk � алий де� жавний ге� б Російської імпе� ії 1883 Brasão de armas do Império Russo 1883 own redraw based on File Russian imperiam png and http //ru wikipedia org/wiki/Файл Imperiam_3 gif Bernhard Karl von Koehne vectorisation by uploader 1883 100px 100px 100px Assessments 1 PD-old-100 insignia ImageNote 1 53 166 53 59 470 568 2 ца� ства Казанского en coat of arms of Kazan ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 370 168 45 53 470 568 2 ца� ства Аст� аханского en coat of arms of Astrakhan ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 85 227 40 53 470 568 2 ца� ства Польского en coat of arms of Congress Poland ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 345 225 46 57 470 568 2 ца� ства Сиби� ского en coat of arms of Siberia ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 314 299 45 53 470 568 2 великого княжества Финляндского en coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Finland ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 115 297 40 60 470 568 2 Киевского Владими� ского и � овго� одской земли en combined coat of arms of Kiev Vladimir and Novgorod ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 57 281 47 57 470 568 2 Тав� ической губе� нии en coat of arms of Taurida ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 9 370 284 42 53 470 568 2 ца� ства Г� узинского en coat of arms of Georgia ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 160 208 150 210 470 568 2 о� дена Анд� ея Пе� возванного с ге� бом � осквы посе� едине en insignia of the Order of Saint Andrew surrounding the coat of arms of Moscow ImageNoteEnd 10 ImageNote 11 81 71 310 66 470 568 2 о� дена Анд� ея Пе� возванного en ribbon of the Order of Saint Andrew ImageNoteEnd 11 Coats of arms of the Russian empire Heraldic Imperial Crown of Russia Crowns in heraldry Crowned double-headed eagle in supporters Order of St Andrew in heraldry Featured pictures of Russia SVG coats of arms of the Russian Empire |