Keywords: LetterOljeituToPhilipLeBel.jpg Letter from Ilkhan Öljeitü to Philip le Bel 1305 Paper Original size 36 cm x 117 cm Bibliothèque Nationale de France Paris Inv-no 96-9-13 In this letter written in Mongolian language and script Öljeitü informs Philip that the relations between the Mongol domains are fine again and reminds him of the earlier good relations between the Ilkhanids and the Europeans Franks French translation in Mostaert/Cleaves Les lettres de 1289 et 1305 des Ilkhan Argun et Öljeitü à Philippe le Bel Cambridge 1962 p 56/57 German translations in Erich Haenisch Zu den Briefen der mongolischen Il-Khane Argun und Öljeitü an den König Philipp den Schönen von Frankreich 1295 u 1305 in Oriens 2 1949 p 229/230 and in Michael Weiers Die Mongolen im Iran in Die Mongolen Beiträge zu ihrer Geschichte und Kultur Darmstadt 1986 Transcription of the introduction Olziit Sultan ug maani Iridfarans Roi de France Sultanaa Ertnees ta buriin Frankuud irgenii sultad manai sain elents sain ovog sain etseg sain akh dor amraldaj khol beer bogoos oir met setgej alivaa ugsee ochij elchinee esnii belguudee ilgeeldseniig yu andakhun ta Translation of the introduction Oljeitu Sultan our word To the Iridfarans King of France Sultan How could it be forgotten that from ancient times all you sultans of the Frank citizens have dealt peacefully with our good great-grandfather Hulegu Khan good grandfather Abaga Khan good father Arghun Khan and good brother Ghazan Khan esteeming us near although you are far pronouncing your various words and sending your ambassadors and gifts of health-wishing Transcription of another line Naran urgakhui Nankhiyasiin ornoos avan Talu dalai khurtel ulus barildaj zamuudaa uyuulav Translation of the line Our nation has been interlocked peacefully connected from the land of the Nankhiyas plural for 'Chinese' where the sun rises to the Talu Ocean Mediterranean Sea and our roads have been tied together Red seal imprints with the same ten seal script Chinese characters � �命皇� 天順萬夷之寶 Zhēnmìng huángdì tiānshùn wànyí zhī bǎo Precious seal of the Emperor truely mandated by Heaven to pacify the ten thousand foreign peoples Öljeitü / of the reproduction Bibliothèque Nationale de France Paris Dschingis Khan und seine Erben exhibition catalogue München 2005 p 281 1305 PD-old-100 Documents in Mongolian Documents of the Ilkhanate Chinese seal art Öljaitü |