MAKE A MEME View Large Image Levitzky self.jpg Artwork creator Dmitry Grigorievich Levitzky The portrait was purchased by the State Procurement Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR in 1951 from a private individual It was combined on a board with another ...
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Keywords: Levitzky self.jpg Artwork creator Dmitry Grigorievich Levitzky The portrait was purchased by the State Procurement Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR in 1951 from a private individual It was combined on a board with another portrait of a woman The portrait was transferred to the Chelyabinsk Oblast Art Gallery as The Portrait of Unknown Man painted by an unknown artist; then it was attributed to Dmitry Levitzky and identified as the self-portrait of the painter The woman on the other portrait also attributed to Levitzky was identified as the painter �s wife Nastas �ya Levitzkaya По� т� ет вмонти� ованный в плакетку вместе с д� угим женским по� т� етом был п� иоб� етён Госуда� ственной закупочной комиссией � инисте� ства культу� ы СССР у частного лица в 1951 году По� т� ет был пе� едан в Челябинскую областную ка� тинную гале� ею как «По� т� ет неизвестного мужчины» неизвестного авто� а; вско� е было установлено авто� ство Д Г Левицкого а по� т� ет идентифици� ован как автопо� т� ет художника Женский по� т� ет был ат� ибути� ован как � абота Левицкого а изоб� ажённая на нём женщина � идентифици� ована как жена художника � астасья Яковлевна Левицкая 1783 Oil cardboard board size cm 16 3 20 3 Chelyabinsk State Art Museum cite journal � ихаил Ромм Единственный этюд Д Г Левицкого http //magazines russ ru/neva/2003/11/ro2 html 10 September 2012 � ева Санкт-Пете� бу� г 2003 11 on object history LangSwitch 1951 the portrait was purchased by the State Procurement Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR from a private individual and then transferred to the Chelyabinsk Oblast Art Gallery В 1951 году по� т� ет был п� иоб� етён Госуда� ственной закупочной комиссией � инисте� ства культу� ы СССР у частного лица и пе� едан в Челябинскую областную ка� тинную гале� ею exhibition history credit line accession number Uploaded from http //www abcgallery com/L/levitzky/levitzky html edited by me Alex Bakharev 10 26 6 August 2005 UTC See below LangSwitch See also См также center LangSwitch The other portrait of the pair Па� ный по� т� ет LangSwitch The reproduction of the portrait<br>on the stamp Реп� одукция по� т� ета<br>на почтовой ма� ке center <gallery>Dmitry Levitzky 35 jpg</gallery> <gallery>2010 � а� ка России 1416 jpg</gallery> center <small> LangSwitch The Portrait of Nastas �ya Levitzkaya by Dmitry Levitzky <br>1783 Chelyabinsk State Art Museum Д Г Левицкий По� т� ет � астасьи Яковлевны Левицкой <br>1783 г Челябинский госуда� ственный<br>музей изоб� азительных искусств </small> <small> LangSwitch The stamp of Russia 7 June 2010 <br>Michel No 1648 Почтовая ма� ка России 7 июня 2010 г <br>Каталог ИТЦ � а� ка �� 1416 </small> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1783; Dmitry Levitzky; self-portrait Male portraits by Dmitry Levitzky 18th-century self-portrait paintings of men 1783 portrait paintings Male 1780s portrait miniatures of Russia 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil oval portraits of men at bust length 18th-century portrait paintings in Russia Chelyabinsk State Art Museum Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Men facing right in art Painting frames Portrait paintings with neutral background Self-portraits from Russia Three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing right
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