Keywords: Levitzky self.jpg Artwork creator Dmitry Grigorievich Levitzky The portrait was purchased by the State Procurement Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR in 1951 from a private individual It was combined on a board with another portrait of a woman The portrait was transferred to the Chelyabinsk Oblast Art Gallery as The Portrait of Unknown Man painted by an unknown artist; then it was attributed to Dmitry Levitzky and identified as the self-portrait of the painter The woman on the other portrait also attributed to Levitzky was identified as the painter �s wife Nastas �ya Levitzkaya По� т� ет вмонти� ованный в плакетку вместе с д� угим женским по� т� етом был п� иоб� етён Госуда� ственной закупочной комиссией � инисте� ства культу� ы СССР у частного лица в 1951 году По� т� ет был пе� едан в Челябинскую областную ка� тинную гале� ею как «По� т� ет неизвестного мужчины» неизвестного авто� а; вско� е было установлено авто� ство Д Г Левицкого а по� т� ет идентифици� ован как автопо� т� ет художника Женский по� т� ет был ат� ибути� ован как � абота Левицкого а изоб� ажённая на нём женщина � идентифици� ована как жена художника � астасья Яковлевна Левицкая 1783 Oil cardboard board size cm 16 3 20 3 Chelyabinsk State Art Museum cite journal � ихаил Ромм Единственный этюд Д Г Левицкого http //magazines russ ru/neva/2003/11/ro2 html 10 September 2012 � ева Санкт-Пете� бу� г 2003 11 on object history LangSwitch 1951 the portrait was purchased by the State Procurement Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR from a private individual and then transferred to the Chelyabinsk Oblast Art Gallery В 1951 году по� т� ет был п� иоб� етён Госуда� ственной закупочной комиссией � инисте� ства культу� ы СССР у частного лица и пе� едан в Челябинскую областную ка� тинную гале� ею exhibition history credit line accession number Uploaded from http //www abcgallery com/L/levitzky/levitzky html edited by me Alex Bakharev 10 26 6 August 2005 UTC See below LangSwitch See also См также center LangSwitch The other portrait of the pair Па� ный по� т� ет LangSwitch The reproduction of the portrait<br>on the stamp Реп� одукция по� т� ета<br>на почтовой ма� ке center <gallery>Dmitry Levitzky 35 jpg</gallery> <gallery>2010 � а� ка России 1416 jpg</gallery> center <small> LangSwitch The Portrait of Nastas �ya Levitzkaya by Dmitry Levitzky <br>1783 Chelyabinsk State Art Museum Д Г Левицкий По� т� ет � астасьи Яковлевны Левицкой <br>1783 г Челябинский госуда� ственный<br>музей изоб� азительных искусств </small> <small> LangSwitch The stamp of Russia 7 June 2010 <br>Michel No 1648 Почтовая ма� ка России 7 июня 2010 г <br>Каталог ИТЦ � а� ка �� 1416 </small> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1783; Dmitry Levitzky; self-portrait Male portraits by Dmitry Levitzky 18th-century self-portrait paintings of men 1783 portrait paintings Male 1780s portrait miniatures of Russia 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil oval portraits of men at bust length 18th-century portrait paintings in Russia Chelyabinsk State Art Museum Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Men facing right in art Painting frames Portrait paintings with neutral background Self-portraits from Russia Three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing right |