Keywords: Аlexandra Fedorovna by Makovskiy.jpg Большой па� адный по� т� ет импе� ат� ицы Александ� ы Фёдо� овны w Alexandra Feodorovna Alix of Hesse 1872-1918 c 1896 oil unknown Original uploader was Рихте� at http //ru wikipedia org ru wikipedia ru wikipedia Shakko CommonsHelper <br/> original text 1 http //john-petrov livejournal com/867946 html other versions PD-old-auto 1915 original upload log page ru wikipedia D0 90lexandraFjodorowna jpg 2009-05-16 10 00 Рихте� 1150×2409× 685755 bytes <nowiki> Описание Большой па� адный по� т� ет импе� ат� ицы Александ� ы Фёдо� овны Источник http //john-petrov livejournal com/867946 html В� емя соз</nowiki> DEFAULTSORT 1896c; Alexandra Fyodorovna by Makovsky Portraits by Konstantin Makovsky 19th-century portrait paintings location missing Alexandra Fyodorovna Alix of Hesse in painted portraits 19th-century portrait paintings not categorised by year 19th-century oil portraits of standing women at full length Coronation of Nicholas II of Russia Coronation portraits of Russia Ermine clothing in art Females with livery collars in art Females with pearl necklaces in art Imperial mantles in portrait paintings Portrait paintings of women wearing crowns Small Imperial crown of Russia Diamond Fund Thrones in portrait paintings Konstantin Makovsky |