MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg Engraved BEP portrait of U S President Abraham Lincol 2014-06-19 17 51 38 Restoration by Godot13 The Bureau of Engraving and Printing Original file<br/>Restored TIF <br/><gallery caption US Presidents ...
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Keywords: LINCOLN, Abraham-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg Engraved BEP portrait of U S President Abraham Lincol 2014-06-19 17 51 38 Restoration by Godot13 The Bureau of Engraving and Printing Original file<br/>Restored TIF <br/><gallery caption US Presidents 1789 �1909 widths 175px heights 150px perrow 4 > File WASHINGTON George-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>George Washington<br>1789 �97 File ADAMS John-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>John Adams<br>1797 �1801 File JEFFERSON Thomas-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Thomas Jefferson<br>1801 �09 File MADISON James-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>James Madison<br>1809 �17 File MONROE James-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>James Monroe<br>1817 �25 File ADAMS John Q-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>John Q Adams<br>1825 �29 File JACKSON Andrew-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Andrew Jackson<br>1829 �37 File VAN BUREN Martin-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Martin Van Buren<br>1837 �41 File HARRISON William H-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>William Harrison<br>1841 File TYLER John-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>John Tyler<br>1841 �45 File POLK James-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>James Polk<br>1845 �49 File TAYLOR Zachary-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Zachary Taylor<br>1849 �50 File FILLMORE Millard-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Millard Fillmore<br>1850 �53 File PIERCE Franklin-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Franklin Pierce<br>1853 �57 File BUCHANAN James-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>James Buchanan<br>1857 �61 File LINCOLN Abraham-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Abraham Lincoln<br>1861 �65 File JOHNSON Andrew-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Andrew Johnson<br>1865 �69 File GRANT Ulysses S-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Ulysses Grant<br>1869 �77 File HAYES Rutherford B-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Rutherford Hayes<br>1877 �81 File GARFILED James A-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>James Garfield<br>1881 File ARTHUR Chester A-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Chester Arthur<br>1881 �85 File CLEVELAND Grover-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Grover Cleveland<br>1885 �89 1893 �97 File HARRISON Benjamin-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Benjamin Harrison<br>1889 �93 File McKINLEY William-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>William McKinley<br>1897 �1901 File ROOSEVELT Theodore-President BEP engraved portrait jpg <center>Theodore Roosevelt<br>1901 �09 </gallery> PD-USGov Assessments 1 Presidents of the United States 1789 �1909 cc-by-sa-3 0 Uploaded with UploadWizard 2014 User Godot13 Engraved portraits by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Engravings of Abraham Lincoln Featured Pictures English Wikipedia by User Godot13
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