MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lippincott seeds (15753179533).jpg MISJj C H LIPPINCOTT <br> CANDYTUFT <br> GIANT EMPRESS ” A magnificent <br> variety with enormous flattened heads <br> of large pure white florets Good <br> stems Pkt 200 see ls 4 cts <br> HARDY PERENNIAL ...
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Keywords: Lippincott seeds (15753179533).jpg MISJj C H LIPPINCOTT <br> CANDYTUFT <br> GIANT EMPRESS � A magnificent <br> variety with enormous flattened heads <br> of large pure white florets Good <br> stems Pkt 200 see ls 4 cts <br> HARDY PERENNIAL SEM <br> I'ERVIRENS � A profuse bloom <br> Ing white hardy perennial <br> coining in flower early in the <br> spring Miu'h used for ceui- <br> eteries rockeries etc 1 foot <br> Pkt 200 seeds 4 cts <br> SNOW QUEEN � A valuable <br> and distinct species of great <br> beauty It is ar-i annual var <br> lety and grows very rapi liv <br> quickly coming into blooin <br> and remaining in full tlo tt <br> for about three months li <br> bears but little foliage and <br> the mass of white produrf <br> m ikes it useful for borrleis <br> Pkt 300 seeds 4 ets <br> MIXED � All colors Pkt <br> 400 seeds 3 cts <br> CLEMATIS <br> PANICULATA <br> JAPANESE VIRGIN'S <br> BOWER PERENNIAL � This <br> is one of the really good hardy <br> r-limbers The leaves are of a <br> bright glossy green and when <br> in bloom it astonishes with <br> the quantity of flowers the <br> plant being completely hidden _ _ _ r « ii/ iii a-i-a <br> beneath a blanket of white CLEMATIS PANICULATA <br> hawthorne-scented blossoms a grand plant for piazzas fences in fact any position <br> where a climber is wanted It is just the thing for covering terraces and embank- <br> ments; does equally well in sunshine or shade and stands unrivaled as a plant for <br> the cemetery Soak the seed in warm water for twenty-four hours before sowing <br> Pkt 50 seeds 8 cts <br> CLEMO PUNGENS THE GIANT SPIDER PLANT <br> A robust plant growing vlgorouely 4 to 5 feet high unaffected by wind or weather <br> and flowering profusely and continuously for months The flowers are very showy <br> bright rose color; growing freely from seed sown in the open ground thrives luxuri- <br> antly and blooms all summer no matter how unfavorable the season may be It is <br> also one of the best honey producing plants and should be planted liberally by all <br> bee-keepers Pkt 200 seeds 3 cts ; oz 25 cts <br> CANARY BIRD FLOWER <br> TROPAEOLUM CANARIENSIS � One of the most beautiful annual climbers with <br> bright green foliage delicately cut and very ornamental The flowers are bright <br> golden yellow bearing a fanciful resemblance to birds with extended wings Succeeds <br> best in a cool slightly shaded situation; also does well as a pot or basket plant for <br> the window or conservatory Pkt 30 seeds 4 cts <br> VEGETABLE SEED COLLECTION <br> 25 cts Vegetable Seed Collection � 12 different varieties <br> CARROT � Chanteney SALSIFY � Vegetable Oyster BEETS � Dark red <br> CORN � Golden bantam LETTUCE � Simpson's curled ONION � Bed Globe <br> RADISH � Scarlet Turnip TO MATO � Chalk's early jewel SPINACH � Victoria <br> PARSLEY � Doubled curled CUCUMBER � Early White SpineJ3EANS � Green Pod V <br> This entire collection for only 25 cents ; all fresh seeds and enough for any <br> ordinary garden or if the entire collection is not wanted we will send any four of <br> these packets for 10 cents Your own choice Plant your little garden this year <br> nnd see how much you enjoy It 42162033 132824 65968 Page 22 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162033 1915 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss C H Lippincott Firm NameFound Clematis paniculata NameConfirmed Clematis paniculata EOLID 11205608 NameBankID 2778766 NameFound Tropaeolum canariensis NameConfirmed Tropaeolum canariense Lindley Moore Biodiversity Heritage Library Lippincott seeds 1915 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Fruit Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42162033 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162033 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15753179533 2015-08-25 05 52 17 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lippincott seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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