Keywords: Lippincott seeds (16185508358).jpg MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA <br> SWEET PEA <br> GBANDIFI OBA TYPE <br> BliOSSOMS � Bright rosy <br> pink <br> Pkt 100 seeds <br> APPLE <br> Standards blush wings <br> 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> AMERICA � Heavily striped with bright <br> blood red on white ground Pkt <br> 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> ADMIBATION � A grand large flower <br> of beautiful form self-colored in deli- <br> cate shade of rose lavender; a free <br> bloomer Pkt 100 seeds 4c ; oz 10c <br> BLANCHE FEBBY � Beantifnl -;rsx <br> combination of pink and _ A <br> white very fragrant Pk <br> 100 seeds 4c ; oz 10c <br> COUNTESS OF BADNOB <br> Standard light mauve <br> fading into a soft laven- <br> der; wlnsrt ft Uffhttt <br> shade Pkt 100 seeds <br> 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> COUNTESS OF POWIS � <br> A glowing orange suf- <br> fused with light purple; <br> very novel Pkt 100 <br> seeds 4c ; oz 10c <br> DOBOTHY ECKFOBD � <br> The finest pure white yet <br> produced bearing three <br> blossoms on a stem Pk <br> 100 seeds 4c ; oz 10c <br> DUKE OF WESTMIN- <br> STEB � Standard clear <br> purple Wings purple <br> with tint of violet <br> Large size hooded form <br> Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; <br> oz 10 cts <br> JANET SCOTT � Rich pink con- <br> siderably deeper than Kather- <br> iue Tracy Pkt 100 seeds 4c; <br> oz 10 cts <br> JESSIE CUTHBEBTSON � Creamy white striped dark rose <br> AC 10 Ota <br> KINO EDWABD VII � The best red Sweet Pea up to date <br> Firefly Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> LADY GBI8EL HAMILTON � Light lavender with azure blue wings; very dainty <br> Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> NAVY BLUE � A most distinct and striking color In Sweet Peas The general effect <br> is of a rich deep true blue though on close examination the shades in the standards <br> is a deep lavender-purple suffused throughout with a faint tint of claret or wine- <br> red while the wings are a rich violet purple Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> LADY NINA BALFOUB � Large expanded form with flowers beautifully hooded; <br> both standards and wings are well rounded and broadly spreading Coloring a <br> pale lavender or lilac free from any reddish tint and when gathered in bunches <br> gives the effect of mouse tint Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> LOVELY � Standard and wings both deep pink shading to very light p nk at edges <br> Larje size hooded form Very vigorous grower usually four blossoms to the <br> stem It is a very effective variety Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> MBS JOS CHAMBERLAIN � One of the largest and handsomest of Eckford's novel- <br> ties The color is very effective the whole flower having a white ground which is <br> heavily striped with rose Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> MAID OF HONOR � Flowers beautifully shaded light blue on white ground edged <br> with narrow deep rich violet Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; oz 10 cts <br> MISS WILLMOTT � Richest orange-pink flowers measure 1 1-5 inches across and <br> are borne on long stiff stems 12 to 16 inches long Pkt 100 seeds 4c ; oz 10c <br> Pkt 100 seeds 4 cts ; <br> An improvement on 42162048 132824 65968 Page 7 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162048 1915 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss C H Lippincott Firm NameFound Nina NameConfirmed Nina NameBankID 3002505 Biodiversity Heritage Library Lippincott seeds 1915 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Fruit Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42162048 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162048 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16185508358 2015-08-25 05 56 38 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lippincott seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |