MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lippincott seeds (16185527048).jpg MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA <br> 19 <br> Bear in mind ” August and September are the best months for starting your <br> I'erennials and a few of them are always an addition to your garden <br> A SMALL LIST OF ...
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Keywords: Lippincott seeds (16185527048).jpg MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA <br> 19 <br> Bear in mind � August and September are the best months for starting your <br> I'erennials and a few of them are always an addition to your garden <br> A SMALL LIST OF GOOD PERENNIAL SEEDS <br> 4LYSSUM � Saxatile � Gold Dust pkt 4c <br> AQUILEGIA � Columbine mixed pkt 3c <br> AKABIS ALPINA � Pure White pkt 4c <br> CAMPANULA � Canterbury Bells pkt 5c <br> CHRYSANTHEMUM � Hardy Per pkt 10c <br> CARNATION � Extra fine d'ble mxd pkt 10c <br> CALLIOPSIS LANCEALOTA pkt 4c <br> PER LARKSPUR Delphinum pkt 4c <br> DAISY SHASTA pkt 10c <br> DIANTHUS Pheasant-Eye Pinks pkt 4c <br> DIGITALIS Foxglove pkt 3c <br> GAILLARDIAS Per Varieties pkt 5c <br> HOLLYHOCKS Double 31ixed pkt 5c <br> LATHRYUS Perennial Pea pkt 4c <br> PHLOX Perennial Mixed pkt 5c <br> POPPIES Hardy Oriental pkt 4c <br> PLATYCODON Chinese Bell Flower pkt 4c <br> SWEET WILLIAM pkt 4c <br> SCABIOSA JAPONICA pkt 5c <br> WALLFLOWER Double Mixed pkt 5c <br> NOTICE � One packet each of these perennials <br> for 80 cts <br> BACHELOR S BUTTON <br> BACHELORS <br> BUTTON <br> DOUBLE � It has been so <br> perfected that fully 80 per <br> L-ent of the flowers are double <br> and semi-double and also in- <br> creased in size and presents <br> many bright colors and dis- <br> tinct markings which have <br> hitherto been unknown in this <br> old-fashioned favorite flower <br> Pkt 75 seeds 4 cts <br> LADY SLIPPER <br> DEFIANCE BALSAM � The <br> most perfect in form and <br> largest double-flowered Bal- <br> sam yet developed and by <br> careful growth and selection <br> has attained a standard that <br> will be found hard to im- <br> prove The mixture which I <br> offer is composed in nearly <br> equal proportions of eight <br> colors rose rose-white spot- <br> ted pink scarlet white-tinted <br> violet white spotted scarlet <br> white spotted and purple <br> each having been grown sep- <br> arately Pkt 75 seeds 4 cts <br> I would like to inform you that the seeds <br> purchased from you gave me entire satisfac- <br> tion in every way and I shall be pleased to <br> recommend you when any opportunity oc- <br> curs I have sold thousands of plants from <br> your seeds this year and shall repeat my or- <br> der next season as I have built two more <br> conservatories and intend to produce on a <br> large scale I have tried different firms' seeds <br> for quite a number of years but had failed to <br> get any good results until I received your <br> seeds Thomas Timmins Oshkosh Wis <br> LADY SLIPPER 42162036 132824 65968 Page 19 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162036 1915 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss C H Lippincott Firm NameFound Delphinum NameFound Alpina NameConfirmed Alpina EOLID 57050 NameBankID 2994443 NameFound Aquilegia NameConfirmed Aquilegia EOLID 11205314 NameBankID 2645540 NameFound Calliopsis NameConfirmed Calliopsis EOLID 2748143 NameBankID 4099619 NameFound Campanula NameConfirmed Campanula subgen Campanula EOLID 24010291 NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound Dianthus NameConfirmed Dianthus EOLID 11254753 NameBankID 2646562 NameFound Phlox NameConfirmed Phlox L EOLID 40661 NameFound Platycodon NameConfirmed Platycodon A DC EOLID 70892 NameFound Scabiosa japonica NameConfirmed Scabiosa japonica EOLID 5234816 NameBankID 5854511 Biodiversity Heritage Library Lippincott seeds 1915 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Fruit Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42162036 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162036 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16185527048 2015-08-25 05 56 15 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lippincott seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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