MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lippincott seeds (16185558518).jpg MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA <br> HOLLYEOCKS PRIZE DOUBLE <br> The perfect doubleness of the magnificent large <br> flowers will please the most critical All the best <br> colors from deep yellow red rose light ...
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Keywords: Lippincott seeds (16185558518).jpg MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA <br> HOLLYEOCKS PRIZE DOUBLE <br> The perfect doubleness of the magnificent large <br> flowers will please the most critical All the best <br> colors from deep yellow red rose light buff car- <br> mine scarlet flesh color creamy white tinted with <br> rose purple yellow on dark ground crimson flaked <br> with salmon cherry red cream on violet ground lilac <br> on brown ground dark crimson to pure white also <br> black If sown early in March or April the plants <br> will bloom the first year All mixed colors <br> Pkt 50 seeds 5 cts <br> Double Double <br> Maroon 50 seeds 5c Salmon Rose 50 seeds 5c <br> Bright Pink 50 seeds 5c Wliite 50 seeds 5c <br> Bright Red 50 seeds 5c Yellow 50 seeds 5c <br> HOLLYHOCKS DOUBLE <br> ALLEGHANY <br> Mammoth flowers wonderfully formed of loosely <br> arranged fringed petals which look as if made from <br> the finest China silk and have none of the formality <br> of the ordinary type The colors vary from the pal- <br> est shrimp pink to deep red Pkt 50 seeds 5 cts <br> HOLLYHOCKS SINGLE <br> Many prefer the single-flowering Hollyhocks They <br> are usually of freer growth than the doubles and <br> present a very handsome appearance when covered <br> with their artistic blossoms Pkt 50 seeds 4 cts <br> ANNUAL HOLLYHOCKS <br> This new strain possesses all the virtues of the <br> double old-fashioned Hollyhocks with the additional <br> advantage of blooming from seed the rst year <br> Plants started from seed sown in March or April in <br> the house or hot bed transplanted in May into their <br> permanent place will bloom in August and continue <br> until fall The plants branch nut freely and <br> re not easily attacked by the Hollyhock <br> fungus therefore retain their fresh <br> bright green leaves until late The <br> flowers are double semi-doubl- <br> or single Pkt 50 seeds 4c <br> KOCHIA <br> TRICOPHYLLA <br> SUM31ER CYPRESS OR <br> BURNING BUSH The plant <br> grow freely from seed sown <br> in the open ground when tli <br> trees are coming out in <br> leaf and from the earliesi <br> stage of growth in the <br> spring until they reach m;i <br> turity in the fall the plant <br> are always of globe-like form <br> The plants branch freely and <br> stems are clothed with slen <br> der light green leaves � tht- <br> bushy plants resembling ball»s <br> of fire The plants are equal <br> ly showy planted singly to <br> show the round ball- like form <br> on all sides or grown in con- <br> tinuous rows or hedges <br> Pkt 200 seeds 4 cts <br> IMPATIENS SUL- <br> TANI <br> This most distinct and <br> beautiful plant is almost a <br> perpetual bloomer The flow- <br> ers are of a brilliant rosy <br> scarlet and are produced so <br> freely that a full grown spec- <br> imen appears to be a ball of <br> flowers and continues in full <br> beauty several months <br> Pkt 100 seeds 5 cts <br> JOB S TEARS <br> COIX LACHRYMA � Curious <br> ornamental grass with broad <br> corn-like leaves and seeds of <br> a light slate color Valuable <br> for the formation of winter <br> boquets Strings of hand- <br> some beads are made from <br> the seeds Hardy annual 8 <br> feet high Oz 10 cts ; lb <br> 25 cts ; 1 lb 75 cts <br> THE FAMOUS <br> CHINESE KUDZU <br> A vine that will grow everr- <br> where Flourishes where noth- <br> ing else will grow and lasts <br> for many years The large <br> bold leaves of the brightest <br> green afford a dense shade <br> Its greatest feature is its <br> wonderfully strong growth <br> which makes it invaluable foi <br> covering arbors fences porch <br> es dead or old trees etc <br> Hardy grows 50 feet with <br> dense foliage to the ground <br> Pkt 40 seeds 6 cts 42162005 132824 65968 Page 35 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162005 1915 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss C H Lippincott Firm NameFound Coix lachryma NameConfirmed Coix lacryma L EOLID 5831251 NameBankID 8985074 NameFound Kochia NameConfirmed Kochia Roth EOLID 61798 Biodiversity Heritage Library Lippincott seeds 1915 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Fruit Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42162005 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162005 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16185558518 2015-08-25 05 53 48 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lippincott seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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