MAKE A MEME View Large Image Littleboy inner1 info.png 49 Little Boy internal diagram svg Little Boy - atomic bomb Hiroshima - schematic view of the inside with labels I didn't put text in this schema to ease translation to other wikis Stabilizing Fins Tail cone Air ...
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Keywords: Littleboy inner1 info.png 49 Little Boy internal diagram svg Little Boy - atomic bomb Hiroshima - schematic view of the inside with labels I didn't put text in this schema to ease translation to other wikis Stabilizing Fins Tail cone Air inlet tubes Air pressure detonator Lead Shield container Detonator arm Detonating head Conventional Explosive Charge cordite Uranium-235 Bullet ca 24�kg 16�cm long 10�cm diameter gun cylinder not drawn to proportion it was 180�cm long with an inner diameter of 10�cm Uranium-235 Target ca 36�kg with receptacle neutron reflector is just above Archie radar altimeter antenna 4xAPS-13 Fuses inserted to arm bomb just before dropping it Schema der Atombbombe von Hiroshima Little Boy Stabilisierungsflossen Heckkegel Lufteinlassröhren Luftdruckzünder Bleiabschirmung Zünderanschluß Zündkopf Konventionelle Sprengladung Kordit U-235 Kugel Schußkanal U-235 Ziel mit Aussparung neutronenreflektor genau darüber Fernüberwachungssonden Zünder wurden kurz vor Abwurf eingebaut um die Bombe scharf zu schalten Done with Inkscape 0 41 from the few info available on the web the original blueprint would have been useful This is not supposed to be accurate but it gives a rough idea of the main parts of the gun-type model thumb 100px Version without labels thumb 100px Actual device Assessments 2 Picture of the day 2005 09 0 9 Cross sections of nuclear weapons Little Boy 2003 diagrams
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