MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 (16976363986).jpg J T Lo ett Co � Plums <br> Young Trees of Abundance Plum in Nursery Rows <br> ABUNDANCE � This is a remarkable fruit indeed It ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 (16976363986).jpg J T Lo ett Co � Plums <br> Young Trees of Abundance Plum in Nursery Rows <br> ABUNDANCE � This is a remarkable fruit indeed It is unlike any other plum In growth it Is <br> so strong and handsome as to render it worthy of being planted as an ornamental tree � equaling in thrift <br> and beauty Keiffer pear which it even excels in early and profus bearing It is exceedingly hardy Its <br> propensity for early bearing is such that it loads in the nursery row bending the limbs with the weight of <br> fruit until they sometimes break and this is the case everu year � the cureulio having no effect upon it the <br> eggs failing to hatch and produce the destructive grub the same as with the Spauldlng We have seen even <br> little one year old saplings but two feet high white with bloom and set heavily with large line plums <br> The fruit is large showy and beautiful Amber turning to a rich bright cherry color wiih a decided white <br> bloom and highly perfumed Flesh light yellow exceedingly juicy and tender and of a delicious sweetness <br> Impossible to describe Stone small and parts readily from the flesh For canning It Is also of the greatest <br> excellence Its season Is very earlu ripening in advance of other plums early in August at Monmouth <br> adding to its special value No one need longer be without plums; for all who plant trees of Abundance <br> will have an abundance of plums � 1st c ea 50 ' doz 5 00; 100 25 00 Medium ea 25c ; doz 3 50 <br> 100 20 00 June Budded ea 25c ; doz 2 60; 100 15 00 <br> SPAULDING <br> The Spauldlng is a curcullo-proof plum and its <br> cureulio enduring proclivity is not Its only merit <br> Unlike most other so-called curcullo-proof plums of <br> which we have any knowledge it does not belong <br> to the Chickasaw or A merlcan species; but has de- <br> scended from the same species as Green Gage Coe's <br> Golden Drop Lombard etc It Is not exempt from <br> the attacks of the Little Turk any more than oth- <br> er varieties of the European Plum but for some rea- <br> son the wound is soon outgrown the plums develop <br> fair and perfect and no harm is done The tree is a <br> remarkable grower with leathery large rich dark <br> foliage It ripens middle of August The fruit is <br> large of the form shown yellowish green with <br> mai blings of a deeper green and a delicate white <br> bloom; flesh pale yellow exceedingly Arm of su- <br> gary sweetness though sprightly and of great rich- <br> ness parting readily from the small stone When <br> canned it presents not only a most attractive ap- <br> pearance but the quality is simply superb Owing <br> to t he great demand the supply of trees is limited <br> this spring 1st class ea 75c doz 7 50 <br> Medium ea 60c ; doz 6 00 <br> �T B ea 50c doz 5 00 42764489 136632 68527 Page 37 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42764489 1891 10 5962/bhl title 68527 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; J T Lovett Company ; J T Lovett Company NameFound Medium NameConfirmed Medium NameBankID 4904049 Biodiversity Heritage Library Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 Catalogs Commercial catalogs Fruit J T Lovett Company Little Silver New Jersey Plants Ornamental Seeds Shrubs Trees U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42764489 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42764489 bhlGardenStories Orchard Plums j t lovett company little silver new jersey plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-04-01 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16976363986 2015-08-23 22 04 57 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Plums Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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