MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 (16814583958).jpg J T Lovett Co ” Wineberry ” Elaeagnus Longipes <br> CHILDS' GREAT JAPANESE WINEBERRY <br> The Introduction of this beautiful ...
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Keywords: Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 (16814583958).jpg J T Lovett Co � Wineberry � Elaeagnus Longipes <br> CHILDS' GREAT JAPANESE WINEBERRY <br> The Introduction of this beautiful and <br> valuable novelty has excited an immense <br> amount of Interest and the Wineberry it- <br> self fully deserves all the praise that has <br> been given it both as an ornamental <br> plant and for the refreshing sub-acid <br> quality of its fruit <br> The canes of this interesting plant are <br> large robust and perfectly hardy; they <br> are thickly covered with purplish-red <br> hairs which extend along the stem to its <br> extremity The leaves are large tough <br> dark green above and silvery gray be- <br> neath Each berry is at first tightly en- <br> veloped by the large calyx forming a <br> sort of burr which is also covered with <br> purplish-red hairs so thickly as to present <br> the appearance of moss rose buds These <br> gradually open and turn back exposing <br> the fruit in all its beauty The berries <br> are of medium size as compared with our <br> raspberries but of a beautiful translu- <br> cent appearance running through all the <br> shades of amber to crimson as they ripen <br> There is a freshness and brilliancy about <br> them impossible to describe and we know <br> of nothing in the way of raspberries so at- <br> tractive A bush in full fruitiug is a sight <br> not readily to be forgotten and a decided <br> ornament to the garden In quality it is <br> good with a rich and sprightly flavor but <br> decidedly brisk sub-acid When cooked <br> it Is simply grand; surpassing by far <br> when canned the Huckleberry and all <br> other small fruits For jelly making it is <br> without an equal far exceeding for this <br> purpose the Currant Quince and Crab Apple Season of ripening at Monmouth early iu July <br> John Lewis Chllds says of it; Another season's trial and a general introduction has proved that this <br> grand new fruit is the greatest novelty of the age It is universally conceded that it is one of the most val- <br> uable introductions of this generation and it will be generally grown the world over Strong plants ea <br> 25c; doz 2 50; 100 15 00 Transplanted ea 50c; doz 5 00; 100 25 00 Bu mail if dei ired at prices <br> named When sent by express larger plants icill be f elected <br> EL AGNUS LONGIPES <br> A beautiful shrub from Japan <br> belonging to the Olive family Few <br> are aware how beautiful it is when <br> in fruit ami still less how good a <br> sauce its berries make The <br> shrubs grows to a height of from <br> Ave to six feet making a well <br> branched bush of great beauty; <br> leaves lougish-oval bright greeu <br> above aud silvery-white beueath <br> The blossoms appear in May in <br> great profusion small and pale <br> yellow iu color The berries are <br> ripe early in July and are oval in <br> shape of the size shown in the Il- <br> lustration bright scarlet and very <br> handsome Like cranberries the <br> fruit requires cooking and may <br> be used in the same manner It <br> is produced iu the greatest abun- <br> dance The bush is entirely hardy <br> and free from insect enemies <br> Ea 35c; Doz 3 50 42764467 136632 68527 Page 15 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42764467 1891 10 5962/bhl title 68527 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; J T Lovett Company ; J T Lovett Company NameFound Elaeagnus NameConfirmed Elaeagnus L EOLID 61896 NameFound Longipes NameConfirmed LONGIPES NameBankID 4503840 Biodiversity Heritage Library Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 Catalogs Commercial catalogs Fruit J T Lovett Company Little Silver New Jersey Plants Ornamental Seeds Shrubs Trees U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42764467 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42764467 bhlGardenStories Wineberry Elaeagnus longipes j t lovett company little silver new jersey plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-04-01 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16814583958 2015-08-23 22 04 07 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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