Keywords: Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 (17000896352).jpg J T Lovett Co � Raspberries <br> THOiTIPSON' EilRLlT PROL IFIC <br> Thompson's Early Prolific Red Raspberry has beat- <br> en the record here for earllness It Is an enormous <br> grower and stood the winter the best of all that I <br> had � J F Wilson Clarke Co Ind <br> Remarkable for Its early season of ripening The <br> plant is an excellent grower the canes <br> erect and stout; quite hardy and said <br> by the originator and introducer to have <br> endured 22° below zero without injury <br> Foliage of a dark green color tough <br> and healthy and endures well heat and <br> drought; here it is quite free from rust <br> and mildew The berries are medium <br> to large in size of a strikingly bright <br> fresh crimson color very attractive <br> which with its extreme earliness <br> should cause it to become a profitable <br> market sort It is exceedingly produc- <br> tive with us and has received no special <br> care or cultivation In brief it is sim- <br> ilar to Brandywine of about the same <br> size with the same bright fresh color <br> and ripens from a week to ten days ear- <br> lier It has already shown much value <br> by Its early season of ripening great <br> productiveness and vigor of plant It <br> Is admirably adapted for planting at the <br> South where it succeeds splendidly be- <br> ing one of the very few and the best <br> that can be satisfactorily grown there <br> It is the earliest red raspberry we have <br> seen coming into bearing just as the <br> strawberry season is over and ripened <br> at Monmouth the first among all rasp- <br> berries by fully a week We have also <br> seen It In Ohio equally fine the canes <br> of stronger growth and yielding a <br> heavy crop of fruit Reports concern- <br> ing Its behavior are exceedingly satis- <br> factory and confirm our opinion of its <br> value as a profitable sort for both mar- <br> ket and family use The scarcity of <br> good varieties of red raspberries ren- <br> ders this early sort especially valuable <br> and its earllness and bright appearance <br> make It profitable <br> Thompson's Early Prolific ripened wMth me this <br> year May 29th It is prolific hardy large firm and <br> of the best quality � J S Newman Director Ala- <br> bama Experiment Station <br> Doz 50c; 100 3 00; 1000 20 00 <br> Smltli'ei Prolific � A new blackcap from <br> western New York which has been highly praised <br> The principal points of merit and superiority claimed <br> for it are canes of strong growth perfect hardiness <br> and great productiveness The canes throw out <br> numerous lateral branches which enable them to <br> bear large crops of fruit without danger of breaking <br> down The berries are borne in large clusters and <br> are about the size of Gregg of a bright black color <br> very firm of good flavor It Is also said to be a prof- <br> itable drying sort three quarts of berries making a <br> pound of dried fruit Its season is about second early <br> or between Souhegan and Ohio Doz 1 50; 100 <br> 10 00 <br> Jackson's May King � A blackcap that has <br> been especially recommended for its earliness but <br> which we find to be really no earlier then Souhegan <br> and not so fine a variety At Monmouth it is In no <br> way superior to the old discarded Doolittle and un- <br> less it behaves very much better elsewhere it is cer- <br> tainly not worthy of being placed on the list of stand- <br> ard sorts Doz 1 00; 100 5 00 <br> Palmer � An early blackcap differing from Sou- <br> hegan so slightly as to be barely perceptible The <br> fruit may possibly average a trifle larger but no other <br> points of difference can we distinguish Its super- <br> iority over Souhegan in productiveness vigor of <br> growth and quality of fruit as has been claimed is <br> not apparent here At the same time it is necessar- <br> ily from its resemblance to Souhegan a fine early <br> variety and may safely be planted in place of that <br> sort Doz 50c; 100 2 00; 1000 15 00 <br> Ada � A promising blackcap approaching Gregg <br> closely in size It has canes of much vigor and hard- <br> iness and is decidedly productive The berries are <br> large and fine in quality It ripens about with Gregg <br> and may be regarded as an acquisition Doz 50c; <br> 100 2 00; 1000 12 00 <br> Cromwell � A blackcap of the Souhegan class <br> which variety it much resembles The fruit is fully <br> equal to it in size and quality and In hardiness of <br> cane It is a vigorous grower and productive Can <br> be safely recommended as a valuable sort Doz 50c; <br> 100 2 00; 1000 15 00 <br> 13 42764465 136632 68527 Page 13 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42764465 1891 10 5962/bhl title 68527 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; J T Lovett Company ; J T Lovett Company Biodiversity Heritage Library Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 Catalogs Commercial catalogs Fruit J T Lovett Company Little Silver New Jersey Plants Ornamental Seeds Shrubs Trees U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42764465 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42764465 bhlGardenStories Thompson's Grapes j t lovett company little silver new jersey plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories thompson's grapes Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-04-01 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/17000896352 2015-08-23 22 07 29 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Raspberries in art Lovett's illustrated catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants for the autumn of 1891 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |