Keywords: Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Venus und Amor (Hermitage).jpg Artwork Creator Lucas Cranach I Title Venus und Amor / Venus und Cupido Venus and Cupid Vénus et Cupidon Вене� а и Аму� 1509 Oil on canvas langSwitch transferred from übertragen von пе� едается из wood cm 213 102 Eremitage langSwitch The Small Hermitage � алый Э� митаж Kleine Eremitage 255 <code>Pelle CVPIDINEOS TOTO / NE TVA POSSIDEAT // CONAMINI IXXVS / PECTORA CECA VENVS</code><br/> langSwitch language ru Всеми силами гони Купидоново сладост� астие Иначе твоей ослепленной душой овладеет Вене� а en With all your strength ward off Cupid's love of voluptuousness For else Venus will take over your blinded soul upper center center left signature and date la With all your strength ward off Cupid's love of voluptuousness For else Venus will take over your blinded soul Vertreibe mit aller Anstrengung die Ausschweifung Cupidos damit nicht Venus dein umnebeltes Herz besitzt Всеми силами гони Купидоново сладост� астие Иначе твоей ослепленной душой овладеет Вене� а L C 1509 ~ http //cranach ub uni-heidelberg de/wiki/index php/CorpusCranach Venus_ mit_oder_ohne_Amor CC-MHM-600-013 Corpus Cranach Friedländer Rosenberg Nr FR 21<br/> de erstes lebensgroßes Gemälde einer nackten Venus nördlich der Alpen 1 Yorck 2 http //www arthermitage org/I-Lucas-Cranach/Venus-and-Cupid html arthermitage org<br/>3 langSwitch http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/38772/ lng en langSwitch Hermitage Museum Eremitage Sankt Petersburg http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/38772/ lng ru Госуда� ственный Э� митаж Other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Cranach Lucas 1; Venus and Cupid 1509; Hermitage Museum Venus and Cupid by Lucas Cranach I German paintings in the Hermitage North Renaissance paintings in the Hermitage Renaissance paintings of mythology 1509 paintings 1500s paintings from Germany 1500s paintings in Russia Paintings with inscriptions Female long hair in art Notes in art 1550s mythological paintings Mythological paintings in Russia Paintings of Venus and Cupid 16th-century paintings in the Hermitage |