MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lunar libration with phase2.gif Assessments 4 2006 1 2 delist/Lunar libration 1 1 Picture of the day 2006 08 9 s détaillée en dessous Die Libration des Mondes Für weitere Informationen siehe unten Ліб ації  ісяця Більш ...
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Keywords: Lunar libration with phase2.gif Assessments 4 2006 1 2 delist/Lunar libration 1 1 Picture of the day 2006 08 9 s détaillée en dessous Die Libration des Mondes Für weitere Informationen siehe unten Ліб� ації � ісяця Більш детальний опис див нижче � �球的天秤动� � 更多描述参见下� �的内容 English Wikipedia original upload 7 September 2005 by Tomruen http //en wikipedia org/wiki/Image FullSkyAstronomySoftwareLogo png 2005-09-16 published on Commons Tomruen Image Lunation animation April 2007 gif April 2007 animation 60 frames no phase shown Technical Book Astronomical Formulae for Calculators 4th edition Jean Meeus 1988 published by Willmann-Bell Inc Chapter 30 Position of the Moon Source bitmap for projection from NRL's Clementine Spacecraft http //astrogeology usgs gov/Projects/Clementine/images/albedo simp750 jpeg USGS Global simple cylindrical projection at 10 km/pixel Animation 50 frames were created equally spaced in time Period used 27 21222 days Draconic month of nodes Animation began and ended at Apogee to minimize jumping when cycles back to the start New moon given an unreal 1 intensity Ambient light to show motion in all phases View assumed from the center of the earth Geometrically impossible but best demonstration of monthly libration caused by moon's motion versus the shorter daily libration that would be included from the surface of the earth Astronomical events Sept 1 2 23 UT - <B>Apogee</B> - Moon farthest from earth's center Cancer Sept 3 1 48 UT - <B>New Moon</B> Leo Sept 6 10 53 UT - <B>Descending Node</B> - On ecliptic circle heading north to south Virgo Sept 11 11 40 UT - <B>First Quarter</B> - Rises around noon and at zenith near sunset Scorpio Sept 13 6 21 UT - <B>Southern Limit</B> - At farthest ecliptic south of the moon's orbit Sagittarius Also near farthest south declination as well Sept 16 13 54 UT - <B>Perigee</B> - Closest point on orbit to earth's center Aquarius Sept 18 2 04 UT - <B>Full Moon</B> - A large and southern moon up all night Pisces Sept 18 8 11 UT - <B>Ascending Node</B> - On ecliptic heading south to north Pisces Sept 25 6 44 UT - <B>Third Quarter</B> - Rises after midnight near zenith around sunrise Gemini Sep 26 5 17 UT - <B>Northern Limit</B> - At farthest ecliptic north point of the moon's orbit Gemini Also near farthest north declination as well Sep 28 15 31 UT - <B>Apogee</B> - Farthest point on orbit from earth's center Cancer Lunar phases 00 12 26 July 2010 UTC Lunar libration with phase2 gif Lunar phases Celestial mechanics Kepler motions Moon animations Animated GIF Animations on black background Libration Location not applicable Featured pictures of astronomy Featured animations
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