MAKE A MEME View Large Image Magdalene by Artemisia Gentileschi ca. 1630.jpg Artwork creator Artemisia Gentileschi ca 1630 oil on canvas cm 100 96 Private collection LangSwitch Robilant+Voena Gallery London - Milan United Kingdom - Italy Robilant+Voena galleria London ...
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Keywords: Magdalene by Artemisia Gentileschi ca. 1630.jpg Artwork creator Artemisia Gentileschi ca 1630 oil on canvas cm 100 96 Private collection LangSwitch Robilant+Voena Gallery London - Milan United Kingdom - Italy Robilant+Voena galleria London - Milan United Kingdom - Italy гале� ея Robilant+Voena а� т-диле� ы Эдмондо ди Робилант + � а� ко Воэна London - Milan United Kingdom - Italy LangSwitch in an exposition в экспозиции Institution Palazzo Reale Naples <br/> accession number object history � а� ия � агдалина ru Maria Magdalena ca Maria Magdalena de Mary Magdalene en María Magdalena es Marie de Magdala fr Maria Maddalena it Maria Magdalena nl <br/> http //www 1fmediaproject net/2011/10/05/artemisia-gentileschi-storia-di-una-passione-palazzo-reale-milan/art_05/ LangSwitch Summary information about this painting Сводная инфо� мация об этой ка� тине http //www 1fmediaproject net/new/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/art_05 jpg other versions PD-old-100 Saints by Artemisia Gentileschi Paintings of penitent Magdalene 1630s oil on canvas paintings in Italy 17th-century paintings of Mary Magdalene Paintings with neutral background Three-quarter views of people Female hands in art 1630s paintings from Italy 17th-century oil paintings of sitting women at half length 17th-century paintings in private collections 1630s paintings in private collections 1601-1650 paintings in private collections 17th-century portrait paintings in private collections 17th-century portrait paintings in unidentified private collections
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