Keywords: Malyutin Sergey Sculptor Studio.jpg en Sergey Malyutin 1859-1937 Sculptor's Studio ru Се� гей Васильевич � алютин 1859-1937 «Скульпту� ная масте� ская» Location Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея <br> Dimensions 98 5x67 2 см <br> Web source http //tphv ru/malutin/malutin3 php <br> Technique Oil on canvas Sergey Malyutin 1859-1937 1903 Museum Tretyakov Gallery credit line PD-Art Sergey Malyutin Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources 19th-century genre paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery 20th-century paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery Sculptors in art |