Keywords: Map of Erivan Governorate townships-1890.jpg en Map of Erivan Governorate townships-1890 волостей Э� иванской губе� нии-1890 1892 Волости и гмины 1890 г - СПб 1890 - 73 т - Статистика Российской импе� ии Original from http //elib shpl ru/ru/nodes/11484-72-erivanskaya-guberniya-1892-statistika-rossiyskoy-imperii-17-vyp-22 page/1/mode/grid/zoom/1 elib shpl ru � инисте� ство Внут� енних Дел Российской Импе� ии PD-RusEmpire other versions PD-art-100 Uploaded with UploadWizard Maps of the history of the Caucasus under Russian rule Maps of the history of Azerbaijan Maps of the history of Armenia Maps of Viceroyalty of the Caucasus Maps of Erivan Governorate 1890 maps |