Keywords: Map of Finland-mk.svg inkscape Ка� та на Финска на македонски Finland in Macedonian Suomen kartta Finland Self-made in Inkscape Boundaries rivers roads and railroads are based on a 1996 CIA map File Finland 1996 CIA map jpg with some revisions by me Coordinates of cities and municipalities not on the CIA map are from Finnish Wikipedia articles Not all municipalities were included for visual reasons Topography PNG raster is based on public domain http //www ngdc noaa gov/mgg/topo/globe html GLOBE data from NOAA extracted using Perl with PROJ 4 Bathymetry was vectorized from http //dss ucar edu/datasets/ds759 3/ NGDC ETOPO2 Oona Räisänen Mysid derivative --<big><font face Monotype Corsiva >� икола <sup>Стоіаноски</sup></font></big> 09 18 17 October 2013 UTC 2009-03-05 See below I've worked hard to create this map so even though not mandatory please attribute me wherever it is suitable Other versions/Map of Finland translation possible SVG maps of Finland SVG maps in Macedonian |