Keywords: Maria Alexandrovna by F.S.Zhuravlev (1870-80s, Hermitage).jpg Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna 1824-1880 Фи� с Се� геевич Жу� авлёв 1836-1901 По� т� ет импе� ат� ицы � а� ии Александ� овны < 1880 Oil on canvas cm 78 8 66 Institution Hermitage ЭРЖ-637 www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/128356/ lng ru other versions PD-old-100 Firs Zhuravlev Images of user Vitold Muratov - Peoples 19th-century portrait paintings in the Hermitage Romanovs Portraits of Maria Alexandrovna Marie of Hesse 19th-century portrait paintings not categorised by year F 19th-century oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1860c 19th-century oil oval portraits of women at bust length 1860c 19th-century oil oval portraits of women at half length 1860c 19th-century portrait paintings in Russia 1860 Black clothing in art female 1860 Portrait paintings of women with hair flowers 1860c Russians and Germans 1000 years GIM 2012 Uploaded by Shakko/Photos |