Keywords: Maria Bilibina by Vigée Le Brun.jpg Artwork en Maria Ivanovna Bilibina née Kusova 11 6 1784-24 12 1848 married Yakov Ivanovich Bilibin 14 3 1779-11 7 1854 ru � а� ия Ивановна Билибина у� Кусова 1784-1848 дочь купца-миллионе� а И В Кусова 1750-1819 была замужем за купцом Я И Билибиным 1779-1854 1800 год painting unknown http //www batguano com/mmebilibin jpg other versions PD-old-100 Female portraits by Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun Portrait paintings by Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun Russian nobility 19th-century portrait paintings location missing 1800s House of Kusov House of Bilibin 1800s dresses 1800s portrait paintings from France F 1800s portrait paintings of Russia female 19th-century oil portraits of sitting women at half length 1800s Chairs in portrait paintings 1800s Empire silhouette Females with black dresses in art 1800s Peinetas Portraits with shawls 1800s |