Keywords: Maria Fedorovna (Mordovian museum).jpg María Feodorovna 1759-1828 � еизвестный художник Вто� ая половина XVII в Великая княгиня � а� ия Федо� овна 1759-1828 � о� довский � еспубликанский музей изоб� азительных искусств имени С Д Э� ьзи 2half otherdate century 18 oil Mordovian Republic Museum of Fine Arts http //www erzia-museum ru/russian_art_galery html http //www goskatalog ru/data/items/00000001000000/000000100000/0000010000/60007000/portret_velikoy_knyagini_marii_fedorovni_1972315/index php lang en other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1780s c; Maria Feodorovna 18th-century unidentified painters from Russia Mordovian Republic museum of fine arts Maria Feodorovna Roslin 02 18th-century portrait paintings not categorised by year 18th-century oil portraits of women at bust length 18th-century oil portraits of women at half length 18th-century portrait paintings in Russia Female hair fashion in art Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Females with pink dresses in art Portrait paintings with neutral background Sash of the Order of St Catherine in portrait paintings Star of the Order of St Catherine in portrait paintings Three-quarter view painted portraits of women facing left |