Keywords: Maria Nikolaievna, Duchess of Leuchtenberg by Hau (c. 1850, GIM).png ru По� т� ет великой княгини � а� ии � иколаевны ге� цогини Лейхтенбе� гской en Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Duchess of Leuchtenberg https //www facebook com/photo php fbid 665454830157101 set a 129239290445327 10133 126013167434606 type 3 theater ca 1850 ru Владими� Иванович Гау en Vladimir Ivanovich Hau File Maria Nikolaievna Duchess of Leuchtenberg by Hau c 1850 GIM jpg PD-old-100 Portraits of Russian rulers by Vladimir Hau Female portraits by Vladimir Hau Maria Nikolaievna Duchess of Leuchtenberg in portraits 1851 Romanovs Portrait of dynasty 2013 exhibition GIM 19th-century portraits in the Moscow State Historical Museum Romanovs Portrait miniatures in the Moscow State Historical Museum |