Keywords: MariaMenshikova.jpg Creator Johann Gottfried Tannauer По� т� ет � а� ии Александ� овны � еншиковой � еншиков дво� ец Санкт-Пете� бу� г 1722-1723 oil http //hermitage internet emax ru/hermitage/html_Ru/08/hm88_2_1_7_2 html This image is in the public domain; PD-OLD; This image is in the public domain due to its age other versions PD-old-100 original upload log page ru wikipedia MariaMenshikova jpg 2008-12-07 03 45 Dmitry Rozhkov 450�600� 95385 bytes <nowiki>поп� авил свет</nowiki> 2008-03-07 17 02 Deevrod 450�600� 91815 bytes <nowiki> Описание По� т� ет � а� ии Александ� овны � еншиковой Авто� И Г Таннауэ� В� емя создания 1722-1723 Источник </nowiki> Johann Gottfried Tannauer Menshikov palace in Universitetskaya enbankment House of Menshikov 1722 1720s portrait paintings of Russia female 18th-century oil portraits of women at half length 1722 18th-century portrait paintings in Russia 1722 18th-century women of Russia 1722 Miniature portraits of Peter I of Russia in art Ermine clothing in art |