MAKE A MEME View Large Image Marie-Josèphe de Saxe, dauphine (18th century) by an unknown artist after Jean-Marc Nattier.jpg after Marie-Josèphe of Saxony' Dauphine of France 1731 1767 previously wrongly called Madame Henriette de France Marie-Josèphe de Saxe' ...
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Keywords: Marie-Josèphe de Saxe, dauphine (18th century) by an unknown artist after Jean-Marc Nattier.jpg after Marie-Josèphe of Saxony' Dauphine of France 1731 �1767 previously wrongly called Madame Henriette de France Marie-Josèphe de Saxe' dauphine 1731 �1767 dit auparavant à tort Madame Henriette between 1750 1775 oil canvas cm 80 64 Institution Château de Versailles object history credit line Former Crown collection Ancienne collection de la Couronne Бывшая коллекция ко� оны Ф� анции accession number MV3799 http //lesmenines mabulle com/index php/2008/08/03/151704-d-apres-nattier other versions <gallery> File Marie Josèphe of Saxony as Dauphine of France by Jean-Marc Nattier 1751 jpg <div align center >Portrait of Marie-Josèphe of Saxony Dauphine of France by Jean-Marc Nattier 1751 <br/><small>Versailles Musée national du Château et des Trianon</small></div><div align center >Portrait de Marie-Josèphe de Saxe dauphine de France par Jean-Marc Nattier 1751 <br/><small>Versailles Musée national du Château et des Trianon</small></div><div align center >По� т� ет � а� ии-Жозефы Саксонской дофины Ф� анции � аботы Жана-� а� ка � атье 1751 г <br/><small>Ве� саль � ациональный музей Ве� сальского дво� ца и Т� ианона</small></div> File Jean-Marc Nattier 003 jpg <div align center >Portrait of Madame Henriette de France Playing the Bass Viol by Jean-Marc Nattier 1754 <br/><small>Versailles Musée national du Château et des Trianon</small></div><div align center >Portrait de Madame Henriette de France jouant de la basse de viole par Jean-Marc Nattier 1754 <br/><small>Versailles Musée national du Château et des Trianon</small></div><div align center >По� т� ет � адам Ген� иетты Ф� анцузской за иг� ой на басвиоле � аботы Жана-� а� ка � атье 1754 г <br/><small>Ве� саль � ациональный музей Ве� сальского дво� ца и Т� ианона</small></div> </gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1751>; Marie Josèphe by Nattier 18th-century unidentified painters from France Works after J -M Nattier in the Musée national des chateaux de Versailles et de Trianon Marie Josèphe of Saxony 18th-century oil portraits of women at half length Corsage jewellery in art Décolleté in art Ermine clothing in art Females wearing rouge in portraits Females with hair with pearl jewellery in art Mantle fleurdelisé in portrait paintings Needle lace in art Paintings by Jean-Marc Nattier with fur Portrait paintings of women with hair flowers Portrait paintings of females with roses Powdered hair in art Velvet clothing in art Dauphines of France in art Portrait paintings of Dauphines of France
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