MAKE A MEME View Large Image John - The Seventh Plague - 1823.jpg Artwork creator John Martin Old testament bible story plague of hail and fire Exodus 9 13-35 1823 oil canvas cm 144 1 214 institution Museum of Fine Arts Boston Leona R Beal Gallery European Art 1800 ...
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Keywords: Martin, John - The Seventh Plague - 1823.jpg Artwork creator John Martin Old testament bible story plague of hail and fire Exodus 9 13-35 1823 oil canvas cm 144 1 214 institution Museum of Fine Arts Boston Leona R Beal Gallery European Art 1800 �1870 http //www mfa org/collections/search_art asp recview true id 33665 coll_keywords John+Martin coll_accession coll_name coll_artist coll_place coll_medium coll_culture coll_classification coll_credit coll_provenance coll_location coll_has_images coll_on_view coll_sort 0 coll_sort_order 0 coll_view 0 coll_package 0 coll_start 31 www mfa org � The Seventh Plague http //www artmagick com/images/content/martin/hi/martin14 jpg Accession number 60 1157 Other versions PD-old-100-1923 <gallery> File JMartin7thPlague1828 jpg 1828 engraving by H Le Keux </gallery> John Martin Seventh Plague 1823 oil on canvas paintings Passover in art Seventh Plague of Egypt Thunderstorm 19th-century paintings of buildings Sky in art Romantic religious paintings Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1820s paintings in the United States Images from artmagick com Uploads by Mattes from external sources 19th-century religious paintings in the United States Henry Le Keux
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