MAKE A MEME View Large Image Johann Ulrich - Self-Portrait in a Blue Coat with Cuirass - 1648-50-Detail.jpg Artwork Creator Johann Ulrich Mayr Self-Portrait in a Blue Coat with Cuirass or A self portrait of the artist wearing a blue velvet jacket with a cuirass ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Mayr, Johann Ulrich - Self-Portrait in a Blue Coat with Cuirass - 1648-50-Detail.jpg Artwork Creator Johann Ulrich Mayr Self-Portrait in a Blue Coat with Cuirass or A self portrait of the artist wearing a blue velvet jacket with a cuirass 1648-1650 oil canvas 91 8 x 78 9 cm<sup>http //www artnet de/Artists/LotDetailPage aspx lot_id C34BB8768DB35500</sup> probably private collection Location http //www wga hu/html/m/mayr/selfport html WGA link http //www wga hu/art/m/mayr/selfport jpg http //www wga hu/html/m/mayr/selfport html Other versions <gallery>File Mayr Johann Ulrich - Self-Portrait in a Blue Coat with Cuirass - 1648-50 jpg</gallery> Sold by Sotheby's Amsterdam on 2002-11-05<sup>http //www artnet de/Artists/LotDetailPage aspx lot_id C34BB8768DB35500</sup> PD-old-100 Johann Ulrich Mayr 1640s paintings Oil portraits of men Velvet clothing in art 1640s Self-portraits of men Paintings in unidentified private collections Men facing right in art Details of paintings 17th-century self-portrait paintings of men Images from Sotheby's Uploads by Mattes from external sources 1640s portrait paintings
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