Keywords: MendeleevDI Jaroishenko 1886.jpg Artwork Creator Nikolai Yaroshenko w Dmitri Mendeleev at the Working Desk 1886 Oil on canvas Saint Petersburg State University � узей-а� хив Д И � енделеева п� и Санкт-Пете� бу� гский госуда� ственный униве� ситет СПГУ ru object history exhibition history credit line accession number Serge Lachinov об� аботка для wiki See below LangSwitch See also См также LangSwitch The stamp after the painting Почтовая ма� ка созданная<br>на основе ка� тины <gallery>File The Soviet Union 1969 CPA 3761 stamp Mendeleev and Formula jpg <small> LangSwitch The stamp of the Soviet Union 20 June 1969 Michel No 3634 Scott No 3607 Yvert No 3501 Почтовая ма� ка СССР 20 июня 1969 г Каталог ЦФА �� 3761 Michel �� 3634 Scott �� 3607 </small></gallery> PD-old-auto 1898 Dmitri Mendeleev 1886 Portraits by Nikolai Yaroshenko 1880s portraits of Russia male 1886 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1886 portrait paintings Male 19th-century oil portraits of standing men at three-quarter length 1886 19th-century portrait paintings in Russia 1886 Chemistry laboratories Men facing left and looking left Portrait paintings of scientists 1886 Portrait paintings of bearded men 1886 Portraits of people thinking Scientists in 1886 |