Keywords: Michael Miracle Icon Sinai 12th century.jpg Erzengel Michael und der Mönch Archippus beim Wunder zu Chonai Ikone wahrscheinlich aus Konstantinopel Erste Hälfte des 12 Jahrhunderts 37 5 x 30 7 cm Archangel Michael and the monk Archippus at Chonae Оrthodox icon probably of constantinoplian origin First half of the 12th century 37 5 x 30 7 cm L'archange Michel et le moine Archippe pendant le miracle à Chonae Icône probablement crée à Constantinople Première moitié du 12ième siècle 37 5 x 30 7 cm Чудо А� хист� атига � ихаила в Хонех П� авославная византийская г� еческая икона 12 века Saint Catherine's Monastery Sinai Egypt / K Weitzmann Die Ikone 2008-04 Author Reproduction of a painting that is in the public domain because of its age <gallery>File Чудо А� хист� атига � ихаила в Хонех икона jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 Icons of miracle at Chonae Icons from Saint Catherine's Monastery Mount Sinai 12th-century icons Egypt in the 12th century Sinai Pilums on icons 12th-century icons of Byzantine Empire Icons of Egypt |