MAKE A MEME View Large Image Mikhail Aleksandrovich by Repin.JPG Portrait of member of State Council Grand Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov Study for the picture Formal Session of the State Council Retrato del miembro del Consejo de Estado Gran Príncipe Mijaíl ...
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Keywords: Mikhail Aleksandrovich by Repin.JPG Portrait of member of State Council Grand Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov Study for the picture Formal Session of the State Council Retrato del miembro del Consejo de Estado Gran Príncipe Mijaíl Aleksandrovich Romanov Estudio para el cuadro Sesión solemne del Consejo de Estado По� т� ет члена Госуда� ственного Совета великого князя � ихаила Александ� овича Романова Этюд к ка� тине То� жественное заседание Госуда� ственного Совета 1901 Oil on canvas cm 70 58 4 Institution Orsay http //www allposters com/-sp/Portrait-of-Grand-Duke-Mikhail-Aleksandrovich-1901-Posters_i1365134_ htm <br> This image has been edited to remove the watermark other versions thumb left Main work Obra principal Основное п� оизведение PD-old-auto 1930 DEFAULTSORT 1901; Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov Portrait paintings in the Musée d'Orsay Michael Alexandrovich of Russia 1901 in Saint Petersburg 1901 oil on canvas paintings in France Portrait 1901 portrait paintings Male 20th-century oil portraits of men at half length in military uniforms 20th-century portrait paintings in France Studies for Group portrait of Members of the State Council People with medals in art Preparatory portrait studies Sashes of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Stars of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Portrait paintings in 20th-century military uniforms of Russia before 1917
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