Keywords: Mikhail Glinka by Ilya Repin.jpg Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka during the composition of the opera «Ruslan and Lyudmila» 98 × 117 cm Oil on canvas The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow Mijaíl Ivánovich Glinka durante la composición de la ópera «Ruslán y Liudmila» 98 × 117 cm Óleo sobre lienzo Galería estatal Tretiakov Moscú � ихаил Иванович Глинка в пе� иод сочинения опе� ы «Руслан и Людмила» 98 × 117 см Холст масло Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская Гале� ея � осква http //lj rossia org/users/john_petrov/852413 html 1887 Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin Museum Tretyakov Gallery credit line PD-old-auto 1930 Mikhail Glinka Ruslan and Lyudmila opera Portraits by Ilya Repin in the Tretyakov Gallery Male portraits by Ilya Yefimovich Repin Recumbent portraits Portraits of people thinking 1887 paintings from Russia Posthumous portraits |