Keywords: Minesweeper generic.svg A minesweeper start game Drawn in en Inkscape to avoid using a screen shot of any particular version Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transfer made by User AVRS Пе� енесено с http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; пе� енос выполнен User AVRS 2007-08-29 Theresa knott at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author PD-user-w en wikipedia Theresa knott Выпущено авто� ом как общественное достояние original upload log page en wikipedia Minesweeper_genric svg 2007-08-29 21 36 Theresa knott 688×688×0 15652 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2007-08-29 21 30 Theresa knott 744×1052×0 14553 bytes <nowiki>A minesweeper start game Drawn in Inkscape to avoid using a screen shot of any particular version </nowiki> Minesweeper Location not applicable |