Keywords: Monk tasting wine from a barrel.jpg A monk-cellarer tasting wine from a barrel whilst filling a jug From Li Livres dou Santé by en Aldobrandino of Siena - France late 13th century http //www imagesonline bl uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch id 8071 idx 1 startid 1274 broken link <gallery>Monk sneaking a drink jpg</gallery> PD-art original upload log page en wikipedia Monk+tasting+wine+from+a+barrel jpg '1' Upload date User Bytes Dimensions Comment - nowrap 2007-03-02 20 45 24 nowrap Flex nowrap 58629 nowrap 365�358 <small><nowiki>A monk-cellarer tasting wine from a barrel whilst filling a jug From Li Livres dou Santé by Aldobrandino of Siena - France late 13th century http //www imagesonline bl uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch id 8071 idx 1 startid 1274</nowiki></small> Alcohol culture Oenology Medieval miniatures of monks Key fobs in art Drinking in art Wine barrels in art Monks drinking in art Li Livres dou Santé late 13th C - BL Sloane MS 2435 Historiated initials from illuminated manuscripts Artworks missing infobox template |