Keywords: Muhammad 12.jpg This is a miniature from Siyer-i Nebi a Turkish religious biography of Muhammad completed in 1388 and later lavishly illustrated with 814 miniatures under the reign of Ottoman ruler Murad III being completed in 1595 Many of the miniatures depict Muhammad and this particular one shows Ali ibn Abi Talib beheading Nadr ibn al-Harith in the presence of Muhammad and his companions < 1596 http //www zombietime com/mohammed_image_archive/islamic_mo_face_hidden/ author PD-old-100 File Ali Beheading Nadr ibn al-Harith in the Presence of the Prophet Muhammad Miniature from volume 4 of a copy of Mustafa al-Darir �s Siyar-i-Nabi Istanbul; c 1594 The David Col jpg Ali Arabic script in non-Arabic languages Battle of Badr Decapitation in paintings Sahabah Siyer-i Nebi |