Keywords: Municipal Album 1.126b Sokolniki workhouse.jpg 126 Сокольническое ОтдЪленiе Работнаго Дома и Дома Т� удолюбiя П� iютъ для х� ониковъ больница хлЪбопека� ня и богадЪльня Succursale Sokolnitchesky de l'Ouvroir et de la Maison de travail Asile des incurables hôpital boulangerie et hospice Moscou Альбом зданiй п� инадлежащихъ � осковскому Го� одскому Общественному Уп� авленiю � осква 1913 т 1 Album des bâtiments municipaux de Moscou Moscou 1913 v 1 <br>Digitized by Russian State Library in 1990s Online version hosted on www orel rsl ru now taken down <br>Bilingual Russian and French captions - as in source with necessary comments in brackets Published in 1913 Anonymous photographer for P P Pavlov print shop PD-RusEmpire Album of public buildings of Moscow 126b Historical images of streets and squares of Moscow Workhouses in Russia Historical images of Sokolniki |