Keywords: Munnich GIM end of 18th century.jpg author langSwitch Portrait of General-Feld-Marchall Burchard Christoph Graf von Münnich End of 18th century Copy after original at middle of 18th century По� т� ет гене� ал-фельдма� шала г� афа Б -Х фон � иниха Конец XVIII века Копия с о� игинала се� едины XVIII века Холст масло end century 18 Oil on canvas cm 71 55 Institution State Historical Museum Accession number Object history http //www rusarchives ru/evants/exhibitions/miller_exp/6017 shtml rusarchives ru PD-old-100 18th-century oil oval portraits of men at half length 1757< 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length in military uniforms 1757< 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length wearing cuirass 1757< Burkhard Christoph von Münnich 18th-century portraits in the Moscow State Historical Museum Copies of portrait paintings Green clothing in art male Badges of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Powdered wigs in art Sashes of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Stars of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing right |