Keywords: Munseybuildingsouthwest.jpg Munsey Building � William J Stone Building 1345 E Street Northwest Washington District of Columbia DC VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST SHOWING SOUTH FRONT ELEVATION ADJACENT LOUGHRAN BUILDING BASSIN'S RESTAURANT HABS No DC-357 501-511 14TH STREET THE LOCKER ROOM HABS No DC-356 ON CORNER AND MUNSEY BUILDING HABS No DC-358 Photograph from the HABS �Historic American Buildings Survey images of Washington D C http //www loc gov/pictures/item/dc0250 photos 027644p/ loc hhh dc0250/photos 027644p Accession number HABS DC WASH 228--1 <gallery> File Munseybuildingsouthwest tif tif </gallery> HABS DC WASH 228-1 Uploaded with UploadWizard Munsey Building Historic American Buildings Survey of Washington D C Black and white photographs of Washington D C |