MAKE A MEME View Large Image Mural Painting of a Banquet Scene from the Han Dynasty Tomb of Ta-hu-t'ing.jpg en An ancient mural painting of a late Eastern-Han period Simplified Chinese  汉; Traditional Chinese  漢; Pinyin Dōng Hàn Chinese tomb showing lively ...
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Keywords: Mural Painting of a Banquet Scene from the Han Dynasty Tomb of Ta-hu-t'ing.jpg en An ancient mural painting of a late Eastern-Han period Simplified Chinese � 汉; Traditional Chinese � �漢; Pinyin Dōng Hàn Chinese tomb showing lively scenes of a banquet yanyin 宴饮 dance and music wuyue 舞乐 acrobatics baixi 百戏 and wrestling xiangbu 相扑 From the tomb of Dahuting Chinese 打虎亭汉墓 Pinyin Dahuting Han mu; Wade-Giles Ta-hu-t'ing Han-mu on the southern bank of the Suihe River in Zhengzhou Henan province China six kilometers west of Xi County Henan Excavations of the tomb were carried out in 1960-1961 <br>Source Chinaculture org http //en chinaculture org/library/2008-02/15/content_32624 htm Dahuting Tomb of Han Dynasty Accessed 10 October 2016 <br>For further information see the Baidu article in Chinese http //baike baidu com/view/230941 htm 打虎亭汉墓 <br>http //blog sina com cn/s/blog_53928e100102voyg html Click here for more pictures and a step-by-step walkthrough of the tomb from the outside down a stairwell and through the vaulted burial chambers zh-tw 打虎亭漢墓壁畫� �宴飮百戲� �� �� � Eastern Han Dynasty 25-220 AD https //www tripadvisor co uk/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g1152494-d1834409-i158767989-Dahuting_Tomb_of_Han_Dynasty-Xinmi_Henan html Han Tomb in Dahuting Wade-Giles Ta-hu-t'ing Unknown artist of the Eastern Han Dynasty other versions PD-old-100 Paintings of the Han dynasty Art of the Han Dynasty Han Dynasty Tomb Painting Art of the Eastern Han Dynasty Dahuting Tomb murals
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