Keywords: MurphyRenegadeSpiritC-IDBK.JPG I took this photo of a Murphy Renegade Spirit biplane at Lacombe in 1998 Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Common Good using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2007-11-04 Original uploader was Ahunt at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Ahunt original upload log page en wikipedia MurphyRenegadeSpiritC-IDBK JPG 2007-11-04 13 14 Ahunt 750�494� 136637 bytes <nowiki> took this photo of a Murphy Renegade Spirit biplane at Lacombe Alberta in 1998 </nowiki> C-IDKB aircraft Murphy Renegade |