Keywords: Musaeum Hermeticum 1678 VIII. Clavis AQ36 Key 8.tif Matthaeus Merian 1593 �1650 From Tripus aureus hoc est Tres tractatus chymici selectissimi nempe I Basilii Valentini benedictini ordinis monachi Germani practica una cum 12 clavibus et appendice ex germanico; II Thomae Nortoni angli philosophi crede mihi seu ordinale ante annos 140 ab authore seriptum nunc ex anglicano manuscripto in latinum translatum phrasi eujusque authoris ut et sententia retenta; III Cremeri cuiusdam abbatis westmonasteriensis angli testamentum hactenus nondum publicatum nunc in diversarum nationum gratiam editi et figuris cupro affabre incisis ornati operâ et studio Michaelis Maieri phil et med d com p c Francofurti apud Hermannum à Sande MDCLXXVII as published in the collection Musaeum hermeticum reformatum et amplificatum Francofurti Apud Hermannum à Sande 1678 In Latin The part in question 'I Basilii Valentini benedictini ordinis monachi Germani practica una cum 12 clavibus et appendice ex germanico;' or 'Basil Valentine a German monk of the Benedictine order one study with the twelve keys and the appendix translated from the German ' In a walled enclosure two seated men with crossbows aim at a square target with a circular bulls-eye and a key atop it Seven arrows have hit the target Between these two men are four small roofed crosses and an open grave in which a man or resurrected corpse is standing with his hands uplifted On the left of the grave corn is sprouting In the foreground a corpse lies in a ploughed field On the left a man is scattering grain Behind the man four birds are eating the grain Below the corpse is a cross To the right stands a winged angel holding a scepter in its left hand and blowing a trumpet held in its right hand In the eighth key neither human nor animal bodies can be multiplied or propagated without decomposition; the grain and all vegetable seed when cast into the ground must decay before it can spring up again; moreover putrefaction imparts life to many worms and other animalculae http //othmerlib chemheritage org/record b1035996~S6 Catalog Information From the copy in the Roy G Neville Historical Chemical Library http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation Downloaded with permission from the Chemical Heritage Foundation as part of the Wikipedian in Residence initiative Chemical Heritage Foundation http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation 1678 PD-old-100 PD-old-100 cc-by-3 0 Chemical Heritage Foundation Musaeum Hermeticum Archives Images from the Chemical Heritage Foundation Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine PD-old-100 |