MAKE A MEME View Large Image Muscovite Window and Portals 17th century 03.jpg Windows of the 17th century Moscow churches Ink and watercolour sheets from the Moscow Archaeological Society files now in the Museum of Architecture collection Scan from И Л ...
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Keywords: Muscovite Window and Portals 17th century 03.jpg Windows of the 17th century Moscow churches Ink and watercolour sheets from the Moscow Archaeological Society files now in the Museum of Architecture collection Scan from И Л Бусева-Давыдова Культу� а и искусство в эпоху пе� емен - � Инд� ик 2008 ISBN 978-5-85759-439-1 Middle of the 19th century Unsigned; author to be verified; the project was led by en Mikhail Bykovsky ru Быковский � ихаил До� имедонтович 1801-1885 PD-RusEmpire Surveys of Moscow churches from the Museum of Architecture collection Windows in Moscow Church of Saint Nicholas in Stolpy ImageNote 1 15 2045 1960 935 2000 3000 2 Сhurch of Saint Nicholas in Stolpy Armyansky Lane; destroyed Х� ам � иколая Чудотво� ца в Столпах уничтожен ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 15 1135 1960 900 2000 3000 2 Church in Izmailovo Х� ам в Измайлове уточнить ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 15 10 615 1115 2000 3000 2 Church of the Sign of Theotokos in Zubovo destroyed Х� ам Знамения Бого� одицы в Зубове уничтожен ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 1335 10 645 1115 2000 3000 2 Church of the Sign of Theotokos in Zubovo destroyed Х� ам Знамения Бого� одицы в Зубове уничтожен ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 635 5 690 1130 2000 3000 2 Сhurch of the Praise to Theotokos near Vsekhsvyatsky Val Khamovniki district near Christ the Saviour Cathedral destroyed Х� ам Похвалы Бого� одицы у Всехсвятского Вала в Башмакове; � айон х� ама Х� иста Спасителя; снесена ImageNoteEnd 5
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