Keywords: Muslim distribution.png Map of the distribution of Muslims in the world - color difficulties click herehttp //en wikipedia org/wiki/Image Islam_percentage_by_country png own 09/04/2008 TheGreenEditor Image World Muslim Population Map png If experiencing color difficulties please visit this maphttp //en wikipedia org/wiki/Image Islam_percentage_by_country png Sources About high numbers of Muslims in Russia 30 million - 21 http //www turkishdailynews com tr/article php enewsid 70289 Turkish Daily News - Islam's rapid rise giving Russia growing pains notes 30 million as the high end of an estimate http //www timesonline co uk/tol/news/world/article551693 ece Times Online - The rise of Russian Muslims worries Orthodox Church 2005 figure 21 million http //www economist com/world/europe/displaystory cfm story_id 8961754 Muslims in Russia - A benign growth doesn't show a figure in the publicly available portion of the article http //www time com/time/magazine/article/0 9171 872213 00 html TIME - Islam in Russia an article from 1961 lists a figure of 30 million Not specifically indicated if this figure was for the RSFSR or the entire Soviet Union See the upper right-hand corner for the date About the percentage of Muslims in Albania 79 9 http //pewforum org/newassets/images/reports/Muslimpopulation/Muslimpopulation pdf Pew Research Center - Mapping the Global Muslim Population A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World �s Muslim Population https //www cia/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ CIA - The World Factbook - To view percentages visit country by choice and select 'People' https //www cia gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ http //www census gov/main/www/stat_int html Census Bureau Statistical Agencies - Percentages of the governments census data select country of choice for statistics For more information please visit Islam by country at Wikipedia Islam distribution maps of the world ImageNote 1 727 274 51 25 1350 640 2 yemen have 99 0 90-100 of Muslims not 80-90 ImageNoteEnd 1 |