Keywords: N.Gogol by F.Moller (1840, Tretyakov gallery).jpg Artwork Creator Fyodor Antonovich Moller w Nikolai Gogol По� т� ет писателя en The portrait exhibited in Tretyakov Gallery is author �s replica of the original portrait painted for the mother of Nikolai Gogol in 1841 in Rome <br>The original portrait was kept in Vasilievka Gogol �s estate then it was at the house of A V Gogol the sister of the writer In 1919 S N Bykova the grand-nephew of N Gogol transferred the original portrait to the collection of Poltava Museum of Local History where the portrait was housed till 1941 It was lost during the German occupation of Ukraine Ка� тина находящаяся в Т� етьяковской гале� ее является авто� ским повто� ением по� т� ета написанного для мате� и писателя в 1841 году в Риме <br>О� игинальный по� т� ет находился в усадьбе � В Гоголя «Васильевка» затем � у сест� ы писателя А В Гоголь в Полтаве В 1919 С � Быкова внучатая племянница � иколая Гоголя пе� едала по� т� ет в Полтавский исто� ико-к� аеведческий музей где он находился до 1941 года Во в� емя Великой Отечественной войны ка� тина была уте� яна early other date s 1840 Oil on canvas size cm 47 59 Institution Tretyakov Gallery LangSwitch The main building of the gallery 10 Lavrushinsky Pereulok Главное здание гале� еи Лав� ушинский пе� 10 14 cite book Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея Каталог живописи XVIII � начала ХХ века до 1917 года � осква Изоб� азительное искусство 1984 275 ru object history Pavel Tretyakov п� иоб� етён С � Т� етьяковым б� атом Т� етьяков Павел � ихайлович П � Т� етьякова ru exhibition history credit line inscription Ѳ � олле� ъ signature bottom right ru F Moller accession number 275 1 Transfered from ru wikipedia<br/>2 http //plumblines files wordpress com/2009/04/gogol3 jpg plumblines files wordpress com<br/>3 http //picasaweb google com/lh/photo/YuWrVXneulCoGynItJLQ6Q picasaweb google com<br/>4 http //www thueringen assorti de/tag/vajmar/ thueringen assorti de<br/>5 http //www tretyakovgallery ru/en/collection/_show/image/_id/2839 Tretyakov Gallery PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Moller Fyodor; Portrait male Gogol 1840; Tretyakov Gallery Portraits of Nikolai Gogol by Moller 06 30 24 December 2015 UTC N Gogol by F Moller 1840 Tretyakov gallery jpg Portraits of Nikolai Gogol by Moller 1840 paintings from Russia 1840s portraits of Russia male 19th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery 19th-century oil on canvas paintings in Russia 19th-century oil portraits of men at bust length Portrait paintings of men of Russia Portraits with sky background 1840s portrait paintings |