Keywords: N.A.Naidenov (1882) 29. Tikhon u Arbatskih.png Це� ковь Св Тихона у А� батских Во� от � осква Church of St Tikhon Arbat Gates Square Moscow Plate 29 vol 2 of � иколай � айденов � осква Собо� ы монасты� и це� кви 1882 <br>Online source http //imwerden de/pdf/najdenov_moskovskie_sobory_tom2_1882 pdf Photographed in 1881 published in 1882 Nikolai Naidenov 1834-1905 PD-Old-100 thumb left cropped Demolished churches in Moscow Destroyed in the Soviet Union in 1933 Naidenov Album 1882 2 29 Photographs by Nikolay Naidenov Historical images of streets and squares of Moscow Arbatskaya Square |