Keywords: N.A.Naidenov (1882) V2.01. XXC crop.jpg Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Moscow pre-1931 building Х� ам Х� иста Спасителя в � оскве Moscow �s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in 1881 Die 1931 gesprengte Moskauer Christ-Erlöser-Kathedrale im Jahr 1881 Plate 1 volume 2 of � айденов � А � осква Собо� ы монасты� и и це� кви Ч I К� емль и Китай-го� од � 1883 <br>Online source http //www temples ru/show_picture php PictureID 1463 Photographed in 1881 published in 1883 Nikolay Naidenov 1834 �1905 PD-Old-100 Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Moscow pre-1931 building Naidenov Album 1882 2 01 Photographs by Nikolay Naidenov |