Keywords: N.A.Naidenov (1883) V4.25 Tihvinskaya na Berezkah.jpg Це� ковь Иконы Божией � ате� и Тихвинская что на Бе� ежках Church of Theotokos of Tikhvin in Berezhki Moscow Plate 25 vol 4 of � иколай � айденов � осква Собо� ы монасты� и це� кви 1883 <br>Online source http //www temples ru/show_picture php PictureID 10414 Published in 1883 Nikolai Naidenov 1834-1905 PD-Old-100 55 44 35 44052613911845 N 37 34 10 926017761230469 E Demolished churches in Moscow Historical images of Dorogomilovo Berezhkovskaya Embankment Historical images of streets and squares of Moscow Berezhkovskaya Embankment Naidenov Album 1882 4 25 Photographs by Nikolay Naidenov |