MAKE A MEME View Large Image Nathaniel Still monument, Saint Mary the Virgin, Hutton, Somerset, UK - 20100930.jpg An etched stone mural monument to Nathaniel Still died date 1635 02 02 of Hutton Somerset England UK high on west wall of south aisle in the parish church ...
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Keywords: Nathaniel Still monument, Saint Mary the Virgin, Hutton, Somerset, UK - 20100930.jpg An etched stone mural monument to Nathaniel Still died date 1635 02 02 of Hutton Somerset England UK high on west wall of south aisle in the parish church of Saint Mary the Virgin Hutton The deceased was the first husband of Jane Whitmore 1587 �1639 pictured on the monument who married Henry Dennis Feb 1594 � 1638 06 26 High Sheriff of Gloucestershire after his death; and the son of John Still c 1543 � 26 February 1607/8 the Bishop of Bath and Wells <p>The inscription on the monument reads In memory of Nathanill Still of this parrish Esq who dyed the second day of February Anno Domini 1626 Not that he needeth monuments of stone for his well-gotten fame to rest uppon but this was reard to testifie that hee lives in theire loves ye yet surviving for unto vertu who first raised his name hee left the preservation of the same and to posterity remaine it shall when brass and marble monuments shall fall </p> 2010-09-30 14 02 Own ; originally uploaded to https //en wikipedia org en wikipedia on 2011 09 16 Lobsterthermidor at en wikipedia other versions Jane Still née Whitmore depicted on the Nathaniel Still monument Saint Mary the Virgin Hutton Somerset UK - 20100930 jpg cc-zero Lobsterthermidor at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Original upload log page en wikipedia NathanielStillStoneEtchingHuttonChurch jpg 2011-09-16 15 49 Lobsterthermidor 3041×1715 864587 bytes <nowiki>Stone mural monument to Nathaniel Still d 1635 of Hutton son of John Still d 1607/8 Bishop of Wells Hutton Church Somerset high on west wall of south aisle</nowiki> Year of birth missing 1626 deaths 17th-century church monuments John Still Men of England Prayer in art Saint Mary the Virgin Hutton Stone carving in the United Kingdom Wall mounted church monuments in Somerset
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